美国G星 Brent Corrigan

姓名:Brent Corrigan,Fox Ryder
原名:Sean Paul Lockhart
出生地:美国Lewiston, Idaho (爱达荷州莱维斯顿)
JJ size:7 1/2英寸(19cm),切过包皮
最喜欢的电影:The Life Aquatic - 2004(水中生活)、The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys - 2002(祭童的危险生活/叛逆骄阳)
TV show:Law and Order、Special Victims Unit
最喜欢的饮料:Grey Goose(一种伏特加)
所在公司:Cobra Video
个人BLOG: http://www.brentcorriganonline.com
《Every Pool Boy's Dream》
《Schoolboy's Crush》
《Bareboned Twinks》
《Cream BBoys 》
《Fuck Me Raw with Brent Corrigan》
《Naughty Boy's Toys》
《Take It Like A Bitch Boy》
转贴Brent Corrigan的访谈
I’ve had a ton of simple questions asked through the advice line. Many of these are just questions about myself, my sexuality, having a boyfriend etc. So here goes!
我透过advice line收到非常多的提问。而其中有许多的问题都是关于我本身,我的性能力,和我是否有男友之类的问题。所以就在这里解决吧!
Jone asked if I had a boyfriend and if so, what he thinks about my adult career.
I do have a boyfriend and I actually talk about us a lot on the blog. New comers might not be able to pick up who he really is, but those of you who have followed the blog since close to the beginning already know who he is. His name is Grant and he’s one of my business partners with this new website venture. He comes to most of my promo events and usually when I’m out he’s not far behind if not right at my side. Grant has always known about my adult work even before I had a chance to personally tell him. He does the bulk of the “research” for the site. That loosely translates to . . . he watches a lot of porno.
我的确有个男友,而我其实常常在blog上提及我们。新来的朋友可能未必会确实知道他是谁,但若是差不多从头开始便留意这个blog的人便应该早就知道他是谁了。他叫Grant,他是这个网页投资企业的其中一个生意伙伴。(new website venture,投资活动?企业?不懂译,可是可以肯定Brent不止拍GV而已~努力赚钱啊~~~)他几乎会出席我的每一个宣传活动,而且通常都会陪在我身边,当我在做活动时他也会在不远处看着我。Grant早就知道我的这份工作,甚至是在我还没找到机会告诉他的时候他就已经知道了。他说他在网上进行了许多的搜索……简单来说…他看了许多色情电影。
It’s interesting working, living, training, and spending most, if not all, of my time with one person. Grant is the most important person in my life right now and I hope, no matter what the relationship status is, that he will always remain family to me. He turned 40 on August 10th! He represents the strong male figure in my life. I call him the ox . He’s 40 and still sexy as fuck. Not to mention, he’s got way more than 2 inches hanging between his legs.
他在8月10日的时候奔向40岁了!在我的生命里他确实扮演了一个存在感强烈的男性角色。我通常称他为the ox,那是因为他都40岁了却仍该死的性感。不是我故意要提及,只是他双腿间悬挂着的那个东西确实不只两英寸。 (40岁..我的天..)
Jone also asked if I make lots of money doing porn.
I’m surprised more people don’t understand this . . . to make money in this business you either have to own your own production studio or you have to be a distributor of content. As models, we represent the core of the industry. Lets face it, there would be nothing to sell if there weren’t any models to film. As models, we’re the ones willing to expose our naked bodies on camera to perform sexual acts the vast majority of people prefer to do in the private of their own bedroom. The pay is pathetic. Models getting residuals is nearly unheard of in this industry. Take everything you know about Hollywood actors and DO NOT apply it to porn. As models, we’re only slabs of meat for studios to capitalize off of. Falcon Studios, for instance, makes several million dollars in revenue each year and they’re paying their models somewhere between 2,000 and 4,000 dollars a scene. That’s it, that’s ALL these models get ONE TIME for work that will go on making money for years and years. You gotta love capitalism.
我很惊讶原来这么多人不明白这个…要在这行业里真正赚到钱,你不是要有自己的制片工作室,便是要成为影片发行商。作为模特儿,我们正代表了这个行业的核心。正视这个问题吧,若没有模特儿的演出,便不会有所谓的影片了。与大多数人习惯在私人的空间里做爱不同,作为模特儿,我们是自愿在镜头前展示裸露身体,然后演出一些性交的动作和行为。但我们所得的酬劳却是可怜的。模特儿们能拿到的剩余的金钱在这行业里可说是能让人忽略的微小。你可以相信任何关于Hollywood演员的故事,但别把它们套在色情电影业身上。身为模特儿,我们可说是钻板上的肉,任制片商摆布。举例来说,Falcon Studios,每年可赚上数百万美元,但他们的模特儿每场却只能拿到2,000至4,000美元。没错,这就是所有模特儿一次的全部收入,而且他们还要一直继续这样做下去。你一定会爱上资本主义,对吧?


[ 本帖最后由 xyllylwb 于 2008-2-19 23:09 编辑 ] |