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English Corner

发表于 2008-1-14 01:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Shall we start-up a new English Corner ? Pratising our English ?
4 \& a8 R$ P4 J* |- e% iEnglish Gay Stories ... ...
发表于 2008-1-14 08:23 | 显示全部楼层
well, dude....you spell the "practise " wrong....which really kills my passion....LOL
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-19 01:46 | 显示全部楼层

Jail Force - Chap One

18 year old Seth McKee was definitely not ?ailhouse?material. The five foot six inch youth was extremely handsome. He was a cross between a young Brad Pitt and a young Tom Cruise. Seth was blonde with melting ice blue eyes. He had been blessed with high cheek bones, clear skin, long dark eyelashes, and thick, dark red lips. His body was thick and well built. His broad shoulders tapered in a ??to his 29 inched waist. His buttock was high and full, blending down to strong thighs and sturdy legs. Seth was more then the ?oy next door? he was the American ideal of virile male beauty.
. ?- p3 t) |! @+ N* kSeth had always, always been good looking. Puberty had just increased that fact. Where some boys get awkward as they change from boys to budding men, Seth had not. Puberty had been a very short time factor in Seth's life, he had grown his first pubic hair at 12. He never endured the voice changing process, his voice had seemed to change overnight, from boyness to maleness. # [% r0 L! @- G
Genetics had been extremely good to Seth. His well shaped pecs had quarter sized, pencil eraser sized nipples. His entire torso had remained smooth, no hair hid the golden skin, except the light blonde dusting some call a treasure trail. With Seth, the term ?reasure trail?was justified. The blonde hair lead to his light brown bush. The pubic bush seemed to serve as a frame for Seth? manhood. ' e. f# h( h. i
Seth had been blessed well in that department. In it? natural state, his cock jutted forward, it was thick, and prominent. When he was excited, it firmed up into a eight inch rod, and resembled a 16 ounce can of beer. His male package didn? stop there, he had oversized testes, also. The testes were very large, about the size of lemons, and they hung low. Even clothed, his maleness was extremely noticeable. ! r* Z2 ^$ W- c! l- ]
Seth knew all of this, he thought of himself as a ?otal stud? When he was 13, he discovered that girls and women found him to be extremely attractive. Seth had used this to his advantage. He had left many broken hearts behind him. He had also left angry, revengeful people.4 i8 S/ u/ L/ {$ E2 m4 J! t( @( C5 x
In short, Seth had ?ucked up? And, Seth was about to learn what hurting people is all about.8 j$ Z- P9 m) ]) ^
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Seth had broken one heart to many, he had broken the heart of Maria Ortiz. As he was being booked, Seth had no idea that the jailer booking him was one of Maria? brothers. In all reality, Maria had just been another conquest for Seth. Seth actually believed that females were lucky to be able to enjoy a few couplings with him. Seth had no time in his life to fall in love, his greatest love was his reflection in a mirror.
+ c; R3 P5 h* a: A! \& wSeth knew his arrest was wrong, he did not know it was a set up. A drug sniffing dog had found ?eed?in Seth? school locker. Seth did not engage in drugs of any kind. Seth liked himself too much to defile his body.
% K# U6 ?5 [) i- H- RAs he followed Officer Ortiz down the gray hallway, Seth? main thoughts were that in Texas, he could not play lottery at his age, yet he could be placed in jail. Seth assumed his parents would arrive shortly to take him home.
发表于 2008-1-19 16:50 | 显示全部楼层

It is not interesting.

You can go to some university to practice and few people would bother themselves reading erotic stories in English. You can try some poppers and visit my site. hehe
发表于 2008-1-27 17:42 | 显示全部楼层


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